
Your health insurance in 2024

What will change for you?

Basic health-care plan

All changes in our basic health-care plan in 2024.

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Supplementary plans

All changes in our supplementary health-care plans in 2024.

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Compulsory excess

The compulsory excess will stay the same in 2024: €385.

Regular image

Jaaah becomes ONVZ Bewuste Keuze

From January 1, 2024, Jaaah will continue under the name ONVZ Bewuste Keuze. Jaaah has always been part of ONVZ, the First Class Health Insurance, and so it will now also be given the same name. This change has a number of advantages for you.

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Good to know

  • The general rules and regulations apply to all health care and to everyone. They specify things such as coverage exclusions and changes you have to let us know about. The general rules and regulations for 2024 can be found on our website from November 12.

  • If you would like to take out a new or different supplementary health-care plan or dental health-care plan, you can do so on MijnONVZ up until 31 January 2024. If you want to cancel your health-care plan with us, you must do so before 1 January 2024.

  • Every year on Budget Day, the government announces what will change in basic insurance. Health insurers can also make annual changes. ONVZ has agreed this with you in our General Rule 66.


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