ONVZ is here for you

Collective benefit ONVZ

Choose for the collective health insurance from ONVZ. You get an additonal discount on your supplementary insurance. 

You’re free to choose which First-Class Health-Care Plan is right for you

Which collective for whom?

As an employee via your employer

Ask your employer about this. They can provide you with a unique link with the benefits and discount. Also, you will get the free Werkfit. With many additional benefits on your basic insurance. Such as three free physiotherapy treatments and € 100 reimbursement for a health check.

Are you self-employed?

You can also benefit of the collective for the self-employed. s an employee of ZZP Collectief you receive a 10% discount on your supplementary insurance with ONVZ. Calculate your premium directly.

Member Collective of ONVZ

Are you choosing a collective insurance from ONVZ?

Then you are automatically part of the ONVZ Member Collective. Meaning: you will receive a 7% discount on the additional packages.

Apply now?

Calculate your premium and build your ideal health-care plan.

The Dutch healthcare system explained

Do you want to know more about the Dutch health care system? Watch the video below:


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Monday to Friday - 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m

030 639 62 22