Maximum reimbursements ONVZ Vrije Keuze

With ONVZ, you are assured of a first-class health-care plan. The ONVZ Vrije Keuze health-care plan lets you choose what health-care provider to go to and at what hospital to get your treatment. For certain types of health care, ONVZ Vrije Keuze caps the reimbursement if you go to a health-care provider that does not have a contract with ONVZ. If you would like to find out what this means for you, keep reading.


ONVZ has entered into contracts with many health-care providers to ensure you get quick access to high-quality health care at the right price.

Does my health-care provider have a contract?

If you would like to find out whether your health-care provider has a contract with ONVZ, use the Zorgzoeker online search tool. The Zorgzoeker is always up to date.

Does your health-care provider not have a contract with us?

 If you visit a health-care provider who does not have a contract with ONVZ, the following types of health care will be subject to a maximum reimbursement. This reimbursement is based on a percentage of a predetermined rate. In most cases, this will be the average contracted rate. For ONVZ Vrije Keuze, the percentage is capped at 85%.  

Types of health care with maximum reimbursements

Would you like full cover?

If you would prefer us to cover the above types of health care in full, choose one of our contracted health-care providers using the Zorgzoeker online search tool. You can also contact our ZorgConsulent advisers. They will be happy to find a health-care provider you can go to. Our ZorgConsulent advisers can be reached on telephone number 030 639 62 24 (choose option 1 from the menu).

Whom can I contact with questions?

We can imagine that you might still have questions after reading this information. Our Service Centre staff are there for you to help. See our contact page for details of how to contact the Service Centre and their opening hours. We’d be happy to help.

Good to know

  • If you go to a health-care provider with whom we do not have a contract, you may need to pay part of the costs yourself. If these costs are so high that you are restricted in your choice of health-care provider, you can invoke the ‘hardship clause’. The hardship clause is a scheme under which you can request a higher reimbursement from us if your financial situation is such that you cannot afford the treatment.


    To invoke the hardship clause, submit a request using the upload form. In your request, state that it relates to the hardship clause and explain why you need a higher reimbursement.


    The hardship clause cannot be invoked for health care covered under a supplementary health-care plan.


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Monday to Friday - 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m

030 639 62 22