Self service

Asking for prior authorisation

Sometimes you need our permission before you can receive health care. We call this authorisation. The costs will not be reimbursed to you unless you have our permission. Below you can read when and how you need to request our permission. This applies to ONVZ Vrije Keuze and ONVZ Bewuste Keuze. If a certain type of health care only applies to one of these, it will be stated in the notes.

Here is how to request permission for health care

Step 1: Complete the application
The application form you need to use depends on the type of health care. The overview below shows you which application form to use for each type of health care. It also states which details and documents you need for your application and how you can submit the application. 

Step 2: Send the application to ONVZ
Once you have completed the application form, you can send it to us. The overview below shows you where you need to send the application. After you've submitted it, ONVZ will send you an email to confirm receipt. 

Step 3: ONVZ will assess the application
You will hear from us within 7 working days. A period of 10 working days applies to health care abroad.

Healthcare you need our prior authorisation for

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    You need to request ONVZ’s permission in advance for the reimbursement of treatment for overweight or obesity in children.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents/details:

    • a referral from your general practitioner, paediatrician, school doctor or school nurse, showing the presence of a moderately increased weight-related health risk or higher
    • your health-care provider’s care plan

    How do I request permission? 
    There are two permission forms. Complete the form that applies to your situation.

    When you have completed everything, you can upload the form together with the referral and the care plan using the permission form. Select ‘Gecombineerde leefstijlinterventie’ (Combined lifestyle intervention) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If, in a non-emergency situation, you need to be transported further than 200km by ambulance, or if a different means of transport (e.g. a helicopter, boat or aircraft) needs to be used, you will need to request permission from ONVZ in advance.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need a written statement from your health-care provider explaining why the transport is required.

    How do I request permission?
    You can submit your application using our permission form. Select ‘Ziekenvervoer’ (Medical transportation) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you are travelling abroad for health care, you will need to request ONVZ’s prior permission in the following cases:

    1. Admission or day admission. In this case, please see the ‘Abroad: inpatient/outpatient care’ item below.
    2. If you need our permission for certain health care in the Netherlands, this also applies if you go abroad for it. Examples are:
      • Mental health care (over 35 consultations or with admission). Please see the ‘Mental health care’ item
      • Fertility treatment. Please see the ‘Fertility treatment (IVF or ICSI)’ item
      • Dental surgery. Please see the ‘Dental surgery’ item
      • Specialist medical rehabilitation. Please see the ‘Specialist medical rehabilitation’ item

    Tip: always request permission for health care abroad
    If you request permission, we will assess whether you are entitled to reimbursement based on the rules of the country where you are treated. This is the case if the health care in question is covered and you cannot get it in the Netherlands in time considering your medical situation, or if you cannot get it at all in the Netherlands.

    If you do not need permission, we still recommend that you request our permission for health care abroad in advance. This way, you will know for sure in advance whether we will reimburse the health care and what the amounts are. You can read how to request permission below.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. 

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents/details:

    • a referral from your general practitioner or attending doctor (in the Netherlands), stating the reason for the referral
    • an explanation why you would like to go abroad for this health care
    • a treatment plan
    • an itemised quotation

    How do I request permission?
    Please use online application form to request health care abroad.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    If you will be visiting a foreign hospital or clinic for planned inpatient/outpatient care, you will need to request permission from ONVZ in advance. Sometimes you will also need our permission if there will be no inpatient/outpatient care. Please see the ‘Abroad: non-urgent (scheduled) health care’ item above for this.


    Outpatient care means that your treatment - in a nursing ward for inpatient care (day nursing) - lasts longer than two hours, but that you go home the same day. Inpatient care means that you stay in hospital for at least one night.


    For some hospitals you do not need our permission
    ONVZ has agreements in place with a number of hospitals about asking permission.  You can find a list of these hospitals below.  For these hospitals, you do not need our permission every time you need inpatient/outpatient care. Your hospital will inform you whether or not you need our permission for your specific treatment.


    The following hospitals apply for 2025


    • AZ Alma (Eeklo)
    • AZ Alma Sijsele (polikliniek, Sijsele-Damme)
    • AZ Klina (Brasschaat)
    • AZ Klina - Campus De Mick (Brasschaat)
    • AZ Sint-Jan Brugge - Campus Sint-Jan (Brugge)
    • AZ Sint-Jan Brugge - Campus SFX (Brugge)
    • AZ Zeno (Knokke-Heist)
    • AZ Zeno (Blankenberge)
    • AZ Zeno (Maldegem)
    • UZ Antwerpen (Edegem)
    • UZ Gent (Gent)
    • Maria Middelares (Gent)
    • Maria Middelares (Gentbrugge)
    • AZ Sint-Vincentius (Deinze)
    • Vitaz - Campus Beveren (Beveren)
    • Vitaz - Campus Hamme (Hamme)
    • Vitaz - Campus Lokeren (Lokeren)
    • Vitaz - Campus Sint-Gillis-Waas (Sint-Gillis-Waas)
    • Vitaz - Campus Sint-Niklaas (Sint-Niklaas)



    • Helios Klinikum Krefeld (International Office, Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Elisabeth Hospital Oberhausen (Oberhausen)
    • Helios Klinik Lengerich (Lengerich)
    • Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal (Wuppertal)
    • Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch (Berlijn)
    • Helios ENDO-Klinik Hamburg (Hamburg)
    • Helios Cäcilien-Hospital (Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Josefhospital Uerdingen (Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Johannes Klinik Duisburg (Duisburg)
    • Helios St. Anna Klinik Duisburg (Duisburg)
    • Helios Klinik Duisburg Homberg (Duisburg)


    The following hospitals apply for 2024


    • Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent (Gent)
    • Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen (Edegem)
    • AZ Klina (Brasschaat)
    • Vitaz (Sint-Niklaas, Beveren, Sint-Gillis-Waas, Hamme, Temse, Lokeren)
    • AZ Zeno (Knokke-Heijst, Blankenberge, Maldegem)
    • AZ Alma (Eeklo en Sijsele-Damme)
    • Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg (Genk, Lanaken, Maaseik)
    • AZ Sint-Jan (Brugge, Oostende)



    • Augenkliniek Ahaus
    • Helios Klinikum Krefeld (International Office)
    • Helios St. Elisabeth Klinik Oberhausen (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinik Lengerich (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinikum Wuppertal (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinik Seehospital Sahlenburg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios ENDO-Klinik Hamburg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Cäcilien-Hospital (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Josefhospital Uerdingen (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinikum Duisburg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Johannes Klinik Duisburg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios St. Anna Klinik Duisburg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)
    • Helios Klinik Duisburg Homberg (via International Office in Helios Krefeld)

    We have also agreed with the aforementioned hospitals that they will submit claims directly to ONVZ. If the costs exceed the coverage provided by ONVZ, we will send you an invoice for the part that is not covered. 

    Consultations and diagnostics
    If you are only visiting the hospital for a consultation or examination, such as an MRI, CT scan or colonoscopy, you will not need our permission.


    Note that if an examination does result in inpatient or outpatient care, you will have to request permission for that inpatient/outpatient care.

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    What do I need for the application?

    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents/details:

    • a referral from your general practitioner or attending doctor in the Netherlands, stating the reason for the referral
    • an explanation why you would like to go abroad for this health care
    • a treatment plan
    • an itemised quotation
    • any other important documents, like the report from the specialist in the Netherlands

    How do I request permission?

    Please use our online application form to request inpatient/outpatient care abroad.


    Further information

    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you or your child have a food allergy (including cow’s milk allergy) with mild symptoms for which you or your child are using dietary preparations, the basic health-care plan will cover your dietary preparations in most cases if you meet the conditions. Sometimes you will need to ask our permission for reimbursement. Generally, your health-care provider will arrange this for you. If not, you can do this yourself. This will be necessary if the user of the dietary preparations is:

    • aged 2 or above
    • aged between 1 and 2 and requires more than 500ml of specially formulated food per day
    • aged between 0 and 1 and requires more than 1,000ml of specially formulated food per day

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents/details:

    • a written explanation from the attending doctor
    • a prescription

    How do I request permission? 
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Hulpmiddel/Geneesmiddel’ (Medical appliance/Medicine) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    Primary-care admissions are usually short. If your primary-care admission will last longer than 3 months, you will need to request our permission.

    If your primary-care admission will be shorter than 3 months, you do not need to request permission. If your primary-care admission is for palliative terminal care, you will never have to request permission, not even after 3 months.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this. 

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    You do not need to submit any additional documents along with the application form.

    How do I request permission? 
    Please use our application form (NL) to request a primary-care admission (longer than 3 months).

    After completing the form, you can upload it using the upload form. Select ‘Eerstelijns verblijf’ (Primary-care admission) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    For transgender women, the basic health-care plan sometimes covers epilation or laser treatment of facial and neck hair. This comes under coverage for ‘Plastic surgery’. You must request permission from ONVZ in advance for this treatment.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. An officially recognised

    gender team

    will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.


    The Transgender Netwerk Nederland interest group and the Transvisie patient interest group have the most recent information available about transgender health care and health-care providers.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents/details:

    • (high-quality) pictures from right after shaving and 24 hours later
    • a referral from a psychologist or medical specialist from an officially recognised gender team
    • the treatment plan from your skin therapist, in which your therapist explains why a certain treatment method is indicated and how much and how often the treatment will be required based on your skin and hair type.

    If you are asking for permission to extend your treatment, you must include an evaluation from your skin therapist, in which your therapist explains why the results have been lacking so far, why this is an exception and why follow-up treatment would still be necessary and useful.

    How do I request permission?
    You can submit your application using our upload form.. Select ‘Huidtherapie’ (Skin therapy) as the subject.


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    Physiotherapy, remedial therapy or occupational therapy sessions are either at the therapist’s practice or at your home. For sessions elsewhere, like at work, you will need our prior permission. 

    If you are a therapist yourself and you are treating yourself, a family member or a first or second-degree family member, you will also need our prior permission.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, we will need a substantiated statement from your therapist. Our medical adviser will send you additional questions for this so that we can assess the application.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you’re having symptoms after an accident and require physiotherapy, the ONVZ Bewuste Keuze Start and Extra supplementary health-care plans will provide coverage for 14 physiotherapy sessions. You will need to ask ONVZ permission for this in advance.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    You do not need any additional details or documents for the application.

    How do I request permission?
    To request physiotherapy after an accident, please use the application form for physiotherapy after an accident (aanvraagformulier fysiotherapie na een ongeval).


    After completing the application form, you can send it to us using the upload form. Select ‘Fysiotherapie’ (Physiotherapy) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    You need to ask ONVZ’s permission in advance for reimbursement of a combined lifestyle intervention for adults.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, we will need a referral from your general practitioner or attending doctor.

    How do I request permission? 
    Please use this application form (NL) to request a combined lifestyle intervention.


    After completing the application form, you can send it to us together with the referral using the upload form. Select ‘Gecombineerde leefstijlinterventie’ (Combined lifestyle intervention) as the subject.


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you opt for a mental health-care provider who does not have a contract with ONVZ, you will sometimes need our prior permission.


    This applies to: 

    • a treatment consisting of more than 35 consultations:
    • inpatient treatment
    • prescription of esketamine nasal spray

    If you see a health-care provider who has a contract with us, you will not have to request permission. You can use our care finder (Zorgzoeker) online search tool to check whether a health-care provider has a contract with ONVZ.

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?

    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following details or documents:

    Application for a treatment consisting of more than 35 consultations:

    • your health-care provider’s AGB code and your treatment coordinator’s AGB code
    • a referral note from your general practitioner or attending doctor
    • the intake report from your health-care provider
    • the treatment plan from your health-care provider
    • a quotation (with the ZPM treatment codes)

    Application for inpatient treatment 

    • your health-care provider’s AGB code and your treatment coordinator’s AGB code
    • a referral note from your general practitioner or attending doctor
    • the intake report from your health-care provider
    • the treatment plan from your health-care provider
    • a quotation (with the ZPM treatment codes)
    • for addiction health care: a fully completed MATE questionnaire

    Esketamine nasal spray 

    • application form completed by your health-care provider. You can find the form in the paragraph below.

    If you would like to know why we need this information, you can find an explanation here. 

    How do I request permission?

    There are three types of permission forms. Complete the form that applies to your situation: 

    Further information

    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If your geriatric rehabilitation care treatment will last longer than 6 months, you must ask ONVZ for permission before these 6 months have passed. If your treatment will be shorter than 6 months, you do not need to request our permission.


    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange this for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how you can do this.


    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, we will need a statement from your doctor, stating:

    • Why the geriatric rehabilitation needs to be continued after 6 months
    • For how long the extension is requested. How long the doctor is expecting the rehabilitation to last.

    How do I request permission?
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Ziekenhuiszorg’ (Hospital care) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    For some medicines, you must request permission from ONVZ in advance. These are the following:


    1. Medicines with no marketing authorisation in the Netherlands

    Your pharmacy will know whether this is the case.


    2. Certain other medicines

    • Epoprostenol (Flolan and Veletri)
    • Iloprost for inhalation (Ventavis)
    • Treprostinil (Remodulin)
    • Odevixibat (Bylvay)
    • Contraceptives

    This list may change over the course of the year, e.g. for new medicines. You should therefore always check this information or contact us.

    3. Reduction of antidepressants
    If you will be gradually reducing use of antidepressants (SSRIs and SNRIs) and this medication is prepared especially for you, you will need our permission for this.

    4. Resold preparations not included in the basic health-care plan
    Your pharmacy will know whether this is the case.

    5. Add-on medicines for off-label application
    Your pharmacy will know whether this is the case.

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your pharmacy will usually arrange the application for you. If your pharmacy does not arrange this, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    What do I need for the application?

    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following details or documents:

    1. Medicines with no marketing authorisation in the Netherlands

    • a prescription (issued recently by your attending doctor)
    • an explanation by your attending doctor 

    2. Certain other medicines

    • a prescription (issued recently by your attending doctor)
    • an explanation by your attending doctor

    3. Reduction of antidepressants

    A substantiated application from your health-care provider with the treatment schedule for the reduction.


    The application must state the following:

    • that one or more risk factors for ADS are present beforehand
    • that you cannot reduce your medication with existing drops, suspensions or liquids
    • that you will be reducing your intake according to the reduction schedule drawn up by the professional groups and the patient association involved

    4. Resold preparations not included in the basic health-care plan

    A statement from your attending doctor, stating:

    • which products have already been tried,
    • for each product: how long it was tried,
    • for each product: what the effect was,
    • for each product: a description of possible side-effects,
    • why the previously tested products did not resolve the situation

    5. Add-on medicines for off-label application

    • medical indication
    • a scientific substantiation of the application, stating the most relevant articles
    • inclusion in the guidelines; including a link to the guideline or the treatment protocol/position, indicating where the relevant information can be found

    How do I request permission?

    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Hulpmiddel/Geneesmiddel’ (Medical appliance/Medicine) as the subject.

    Please use our application form to request add-on medicines for an off-label application.

    Further information

    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    Whether you need permission depends on the medical appliance you require. Please see the coverage page for your appliance to see if you need prior permission.


    If you need a medical appliance that is not specifically mentioned on the coverage page, but does fit the description of this coverage, we will also be able to reimburse your appliance. You will, however, need our prior permission for this appliance.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your medical appliance supplier will usually arrange the application for you. If your supplier does not arrange this, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need several documents for this, like a medical prescription and a quotation for the medical appliance. The exact documents you need for the application are different for each appliance. The coverage page for your appliance tells you which documents you will need. 

    How do I request permission? 
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Hulpmiddel/Geneesmiddel’ (Medical appliance/Medicine) as the subject.


    Do you need authorisation for Personal Alarm (Persoonsalarmering)? Then also send along an indication form filled in by your doctor. 


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • When treated in the Netherlands


    What do I need to request permission for?
    The basic health-care plan covers 3 IVF or ICSI attempts. You do not need to request permission for these. Our Topfit and Superfit supplementary health-care plans (ONVZ Vrije Keuze) include coverage for the 4th IVF or ICSI attempt onwards, but you will need to ask ONVZ permission for this. You must do so before starting the attempt.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application, you will need a substantiated application from the medical specialist treating you. It must include:

    • the fertility treatments you have already had
    • the medical indication for IVF or ICSI
    • the expectations for the new attempt based on follicle formation, ova production and production of in-vitro embryos in the prior IVF or ICSI attempts

    How do I request permission? 
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Ziekenhuiszorg’ (Hospital care) as the subject.

    When treated outside the Netherlands

    What do I need to request permission for?
    If you intend to go abroad for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd IVF or ICSI attempt, part of the treatment will take place during outpatient care, so you will have to ask for our prior permission. This applies to both ONVZ Vrije Keuze and ONVZ Bewuste Keuze.

    Fourth or later IVF or ICSI attempts are only insured under the Topfit or Superfit supplementary health-care plans (ONVZ Vrije Keuze). For these you must always request permission, also if you are treated abroad. You must do so before starting the attempt.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form. 


    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents: 

    • a fully completed application form (you can find the link below)
    • a referral from your general practitioner or medical specialist
    • a treatment plan (in Dutch or English) from your attending medical specialist abroad. This should include the treatment history that is relevant to fertility, the diagnosis and the proposed treatment
    • an itemised quotation

    How do I request permission? 
    Please use our application form to request fertility treatment abroad. This form is also available in English and German.


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    You must request permission from ONVZ in advance for some dental surgery treatments. All treatments that require permission are specified on the exhaustive list of authorisations for dental surgery (limitatieve lijst machtigingen kaakchirurgie). 

    Frequently performed treatments that require permission are:

    • pulling of teeth and molars under anaesthetic
    • jaw surgery (osteotomy)
    • implants
    • bone remodelling or implantation
    • inserting of bone anchors
    • treatment of advanced gum disease
    • fitting and issuing of a brace against snoring or sleep apnoea (MRA) 

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your dental surgeon will usually arrange the application for you. If your dental surgeon does not arrange the application, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents: 

    • a substantiated statement from your dental surgeon, clearly showing the medical necessity of your treatment
    • an itemised quotation

    How do I request permission? 
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Ziekenhuiszorg’ (Hospital care) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you are getting intensive rehabilitation treatment from a team of health-care providers (this is called interdisciplinary specialist medical rehabilitation), and if admission is not required, you must ask our prior permission if your health-care provider does not have a contract with us.

    If your health-care provider does have a contract with us, you do not need to request permission. You can use our care finder (Zorgzoeker) online search tool to see which health-care providers have a contract with us.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. The rehabilitation centre will usually arrange the application for you. If the rehabilitation centre does not arrange the application, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following document:

    • a referral note from your general practitioner, corporate doctor, school doctor or medical specialist

    How do I request permission? 
    Please use our application form to request specialist medical rehabilitation.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    For medical care for specific patient groups, you need to request prior permission if the health-care provider you are seeing does not have a contract with ONVZ.

    If the health-care provider you are seeing does have a contract with us, you do not need to request permission. You can use our Zorgzoeker online search tool to check whether a health-care provider has a contract with ONVZ.

    Who should submit the application? 
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. The elderly medical care specialist or doctor for the mentally disabled will usually arrange the application for you. If your health-care provider does not arrange this, you must ask for permission yourself before the start of treatment. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    The application only requires a completed application form. You do not need any additional documents or details. 

    How do I request permission? 
    Please use our application form to request medical care for specific patient groups.

    After completing the form, you can upload it using our upload form. Select ‘GZSP’ (Medical care for specific patient groups) as the subject.


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    For the following examinations and treatments, it is important to check in advance whether you need our permission:

    • an extensive sleep study (polysomnography)
    • treatments for Complex Chronic Lung Diseases (CCL)

    Whether you need our permission depends on whether your health-care provider is on our list of CCL or polysomnography institutions for which our permission is not required (Overzicht toestemmingsvrije instellingen voor CCL of polysomnografie). If your health-care provider is on this list, you do not have to do anything. If your health-care provider is not on the list, you will need to ask ONVZ for permission prior to the treatment or examination.

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. The attending medical specialist will usually arrange the application for you. If your health-care provider does not arrange the application, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?

    Extensive sleep study
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents: 

    • the referral from your general practitioner, corporate doctor, school doctor or medical specialist
    • the polygraphy (PG) results if there is a discrepancy between your symptoms and the polygraphy results

    CCL treatment
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents: 

    • the referral from your general practitioner, corporate doctor, school doctor or medical specialist
    • the treatment plan
    • information showing that the health-care provider meets the following quality criteria: 
      • They have a dedicated team. Being able to treat CCL patients adequately requires integrated treatment provided by a team of practitioners from various disciplines who are used to working together
      • The health-care provider treats at least 100 CCL patients per year
      • The health-care provider can offer a clinical programme for which there is a necessity to patients
      • The health-care provider can prove that they are able to identify and treat level 2 patients.

    How do I request permission?

    We have two types of permission forms. Complete the form that applies to your situation: 

    If your health-care provider is on our list of CCL or polysomnography institutions for which our permission is not required (overzicht toestemmingsvrije instellingen voor CCL of polysomnografie, you do not have to do anything. We have already made arrangements with these facilities concerning giving permission.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?


    Small group of independent treatment centres
    For specialist medical care, you will always need prior permission if you will be visiting an independent treatment centre listed on the Overview of independent treatment centres for which permission (overzicht zbc’s met toestemmingsvereiste).


    You do not need our permission for the initial consultation, but you do for the follow-up consultations, examinations, operations and other treatments. Please note: sometimes you will receive treatment immediately during the initial consultation; in that case you will need our prior permission. 

    Specific treatments
    If your independent treatment centre is not on the list or if the treatment is being done at a hospital, you will require prior permission if your treatment is on the exhaustive list of authorisations for specialist medical care (limitatieve lijst machtigingen medisch-specialistische zorg).


    In short, these include:

    1. laser vision correction
    2. implantation or replacement of a new (synthetic) lens in your eye
    3. correction of a (drooping) upper eyelid, bottom eyelid and/or eyebrow
    4. ear correction
    5. nose correction
    6. surgery to modify the contours of your face
    7. facelift, forehead lift or neck lift
    8. pigeon chest or funnel chest correction
    9. male breast reduction
    10. breast reduction and/or breast lift
    11. removal or (re)placement of breast prostheses or expanders
    12. breast reconstruction or breast shape correction
    13. nipple/areola reconstruction and/or tattooing
    14. abdominal wall correction
    15. labiaplasty
    16. removal of excess fat or liposuction under the chin
    17. removal of excess fat or liposuction in the chest area
    18. removal of excess skin and subdermal tissue in the upper arm
    19. removal of excess skin and subdermal tissue in the upper leg
    20. removal of excess fat or liposuction in the lower leg
    21. removal of excess fat or liposuction in the leg, hip or buttock
    22. own fat grafting
    23. own skin grafting around the head or neck
    24. own skin grafting
    25. scar correction
    26. removal of superficial skin irregularities
    27. skin surgery for benign lesions
    28. cryotherapy (treatment with nitrogen) or diathermy (heat treatment) for a skin condition
    29. skin laser treatment
    30. skin tattoos

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. The attending medical specialist will usually arrange the application for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this. 

    You must complete the application form together with your health-care provider. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?


    Independent treatment centre
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents: 

    •  a completed independent treatment centre information application form (your doctor will complete and sign this form)
    • the referral from your general practitioner, corporate doctor, school doctor or medical specialist
    • an itemised quotation

    Specific treatments
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents:

    • a substantiated statement from your doctor, showing the medical necessity for your treatment. It must state what your symptoms are and how the treatment may resolve them.
    • the referral from your general practitioner, corporate doctor, school doctor or medical specialist
    • an itemised quotation

    How do I request permission? 

    Independent treatment centre
    In order to request specialist medical care at an independent treatment centre that requires permission, please use our application form.

    Specific treatments
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Ziekenhuiszorg’ (Hospital care) as the subject. 

    Further information

    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you are admitted for health care for sensory impairment, you will need our prior permission for this.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your health-care provider will usually arrange the application. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application yourself, you will need the following documents:

    • A substantiated explanation from your health-care provider, showing:
      1.    What the treatment goals are for which the admission is necessary
      2.    Why your treatment cannot be provided or succeed without admission
      3.    How long your health-care provider is expecting the admission to be

    How do I request permission? 
    You can submit your application using our upload form. Select ‘Ziekenhuiszorg/Geest. gezondheidszorg’ (Hospital care/Mental health care) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you want to arrange nursing and other care in your personal environment with an individual budget, you will need to request permission from ONVZ in advance.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Please complete the application form together with your nurse.


    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents:

    1. application form - nurse section (part 1)
    2. application form - insured person section (part 2)
    3. a doctor’s statement in case of palliative terminal health care
    4. a copy of your medical history and/or care plan from the electronic client file if permission was granted for this
    5. a copy of the court judgment regarding representation (where applicable)
    6. the individual budget (non-legal) representative form (where applicable)

    How do I request permission?
    Please use our application form to request an individual budget for nursing and other care in your personal environment.

    After completing the form, you can upload it using our upload form together with the other required documents. Select ‘PGB’ (Individual budget) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?

    You need to ask ONVZ’s permission in advance for reimbursement of the following treatments by a dentist, orthodontist or dental hospital:


    Basic health-care plan

    1. special dental care
    2. front-teeth replacement
    3. dental prosthesis (dentures)
    4. panoramic dental X-rays up to the age of 18
    5. additional fluoride treatment up to the age of 18
    6. transplantation of your own tooth or molar (autotransplantation) up to the age of 18
    7. MRA (Mandibular Repositioning Appliance)

    Supplementary (dental) health-care plan

    1. dental health care after an accident
    2. orthodontics from the age of 18

    Who should submit the application?

    You must personally ensure that permission is requested in advance. For these treatments, your dentist will almost always arrange the application. If you do need to request permission yourself, you should send us a written explanation with an indication from your dentist, the treatment plan, a budget and X-rays or other images.

    What do I need for the application?

    If your health-care provider is submitting the application, they will need the following details or documents:

    • an indication from your health-care provider
    • your health-care provider’s treatment plan
    • an itemised budget
    • X-rays or other images

    How do I request permission?

    Your health-care provider will request treatments 1 to 7 under the basic health-care plan and treatment 1 under the supplementary health-care plan using the digital authorisation portal.

    If you need to request permission yourself for dental health care after an accident, you can also do so using the application form for dental health-care after an accident (aanvraagformulier tandheelkundige zorg na een ongeval). You can upload it using the upload form. Select ‘Mondzorg’ (Dental health care) as the subject.

    For orthodontics from the age of 18 (only for ONVZ Vrije Keuze), your health-care provider must use the application form for orthodontics (aanvraagformulier orthodontie).

    Further information

    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    You must ask prior permission if your health-care provider (home-care organisation) s not have a contract with ONVZ. You can use our care finder (Zorgzoeker) online search tool to see whether a health-care provider has a contract with us.

    What if requesting permission in advance is not possible?
    If your care needs to start right away, e.g. if you need care in your personal environment after being discharged from hospital, this is possible, even if we have not yet granted permission. This is on the condition that the indication and care plan are ready within 7 days of starting the care. The coverage will not go back further than these 7 days.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Read on to find out how you can do this.

    Please complete the application form together with the nurse who makes the indication. You must both sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    If you are submitting the application, you will need the following documents:

    1. a copy of the Nursing BSc or Nursing Science MSc certificate from the district nurse who made the indication (if ONVZ has not received this previously)
    2. a care plan (signed by the district nurse and insured person) that meets the standards for indicating and organising nursing and other care (V&VN standards framework)
    3. for re-indication: the care-related evaluation
    4. for nursing and other care up to the age of 18: a copy of the Paediatric Nursing certificate from the child nurse who made the indication (if ONVZ has not received this previously) or a possible paediatric endorsement

    How do I request permission?
    We have two types of permission forms. Complete the form that applies to your situation:
    •    for nursing and other care in your personal environment
    •    for nursing and other care abroad

    After completing the form, you can upload it using our permission form together with the other required documents. Select ‘Wijkverpleging’ (District nursing) as the subject.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and co verage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    If you need transportation, e.g. by taxi, public transport or car, you will need to ask ONVZ permission for this in advance.

    If you already have our permission for taxi transportation, you can contact Transvision directly. They will arrange your taxi transportation and claim the costs directly from us.

    If you are arranging taxi transportation through Transvision and it is medically necessary for you to travel alone by taxi, you will need to request permission from ONVZ in advance.

    Who should submit the application?
    You can submit the application yourself.

    What do I need for the application?
    You do not need anything else for the application.

    How do I request permission?
    Please use our online application form to request patient transport. If you would rather request it by regular post, that is also possible. You can use this application form. Make sure that the form is fully completed and signed.

    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

  • What do I need to request permission for?
    The Topfit, Superfit and Zorgplan supplementary health-care plans provide coverage for staying at a zorghotel up to a maximum amount per day. When staying at a zorghotel, you must request permission from ONVZ in advance.

    Who should submit the application?
    You must personally ensure that permission is requested on time. Your attending doctor will usually arrange the application for you. If this is not the case, you will need to request permission yourself. Read on to find out how to do this. Both you and your health-care provider should complete part of the form. Your health-care provider must also sign the form.

    What do I need for the application?
    You do not need anything else for the application.

    How do I request permission?
    Please use our application form to request a stay at a zorghotel. 

    After completing the form, you can upload it using our permission form. Select ‘Eerstelijns verblijf’ (Primary-care admission) as the subject.


    Further information
    For more information, please see the coverage summary or general rules and regulations and coverage.

You can send your application to us using the contact form or by sending an email to the address on the application form.

Good to know

  • If you are submitting your application digitally, you will also receive our decision or questions digitally by means of a secure message. If you want to receive such communications in a different way, please  contact us.

  • Only the medical adviser and employees working under the supervision of the medical adviser have access to this data. They handle it carefully and are required to maintain confidentiality.

    We understand that your privacy is important to you, which is why we are not asking for more details than strictly necessary. If you would like to know how we handle and protect your personal data, please read our privacy statement (NL) on our website.

  • If you cannot submit your application digitally, please send it to the address specified below. In this case, you will also receive our decision by regular post.

    Afdeling Machtigingen
    Postbus 392
    3990 GD Houten


  • ONVZ has agreements with contracted health-care providers about the content, accessibility, affordability, quality and effectiveness of health care, which is why you do not need our permission for treatment provided by a contracted health-care provider. We cannot make these agreements if a health-care provider does not have a contract with us, which is why you sometimes need our permission for a treatment programme.


Questions? We are here for you
