Contacting ONVZ
Do you have a question for ONVZ? View our frequently asked questions and find your answer quickly. Is your question not listed? We can assist you through one of the contact options.
Submitting a claim
Would you like to claim your health-care costs or view the status of a claim? This can be done quickly in MijnONVZ or the app
Change your personal information yourself in MijnONVZ or the app
Financial Overview
In MijnONVZ you can check your payments, such as your premium and excess
Processing of Physiotherapy Claims
Due to the transition to a new claim processing system, claims for physiotherapy will not be processed for the next two weeks. Even after that, it may take a little longer than usual for your claim to be paid.
We are doing our best to make the process run as smoothly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Frequently asked questions
When you want to cancel your health insurance with ONVZ, you can do this until January 1st. When you want to change your additional health insurance, or your dental insurance, you can do this before February 1st.
On 7 November 2023, the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) ruled in the case between health insurer ONVZ and the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa). This ruling has far-reaching consequences for ONVZ and forces us to switch to a preference policy for medicines.
More information about this can be found on this page.
We offer 0,5%, 1% and 2% discount when you pay your premium respectively every quarter, six months or year.
Yes, this is correct. When you choose yearly payment of your premium, you receive a discount. If you do not want to pay the premium for your son or daughter in advance, we can adjust your term of payment. This will affect the discount on your premium however.
No, you can use the coverage of our insurances from their starting date. So, if your insurance starts on January 1st, the coverage also starts on that date.
Everyone can have our basic health insurance. Also the additional health insurance schemes Startfit, Extrafit and Benfit, our dental insurance Tandfit A and our international insurance Wereldfit are without medical selection. We only ask health questions when people apply for the three premium insurance schemes (Optifit, Topfit and Superfit), our three most elaborate dental insurances (Tandfit B, C and D) and for Health Basic and Health Premium. Both new clients and existing clients who apply for these insurances have to answer those questions.
Our premium insurances and Health Basic and Health Premium offer very extensive coverage. To make sure that we can keep offering our customers this coverage in the future, we must be certain that there are no foreseen costs. Because we offer these insurances to cover for unforeseen costs, not foreseen costs.
Upload a document
Would you like to share a document with us? You can easily do so via our handy upload form. Claims can be submitted via the claim form or the ONVZ app.
General questions
For general questions about your health insurance policy.
Our Service Center is available Monday through Friday from 8.30 a.m. till 6.00 p.m.
Emergency medical assistance abroad
In the event of emergency hospitalisation abroad, you can contact the ONVZ Zorgassistance 24-hour service. You can also find this telephone number on your health insurance card.
Contact our ZorgConsulent
If you have any questions about waiting list mediation, or would like advice and information on health, illnesses and prevention, please contact our ZorgConsulent advisers. They are happy to help you Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Maternity care
If you are pregnant and would like to request maternity care, please contact the ONVZ Kraamzorg Service.
Our adress details
ONVZ, De Molen 66
3995 AX Houten
ONVZ, Postbus 392
3990 GD Houten
Bank account number
- IBAN: NL59INGB0007812890 on behalf of ONVZ