Living abroad

Secondment abroad

You will remain insured in the Netherlands.

Being seconded abroad?

If are being seconded abroad for your work, this may sometimes affect your basic health-care plan. You should therefore always notify us of your secondment and send us a secondment certificate/A1 form.

Your employer can request a secondment certificate/A1 form from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). We will use this form to assess whether you will keep your ONVZ basic health-care plan.

Further information about the secondment certificate/A1 form is available on the SVB website.

Your family members

If family members have moved abroad with you and these family members do not work in the Netherlands:

•    they will lose their Dutch basic health-care plan

In most cases, you can use the S1 form (formerly E106) to register them with the health insurer in your new country of residence. This health insurer will determine who is co-insured and will notify the CAK of this. Your family members will be registered with the CAK for the treaty policy (Woonlandpakket).

If your family members are insured in your country of residence by means of the S1 form, and if they want to receive medical care in the Netherlands, they must apply for an EHIC with the CAK. If you want to find out more, please contact the CAK.

The CAK can provide more information about living abroad.


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