All changes in your basic health insurance in 2023

This overview below shows all changes in our basic health-care plan as of January 1, 2023. We have only listed the changes that change the terms and conditions of your insurance.

What will change for you?

  • The government has determined the excess will stay the same. The compulsory excess in 2023 is also €385.

  • The government has changed the statutory personal contributions for next year. The new personal contributions for medical appliances, dental health care, antenatal/postnatal care and ‘other’ medical transportation can be found on our website.

    You will never pay more than a total of €250 personal contribution per calendar year for medicines. If you have Benfit or a more comprehensive supplementary plan, personal contributions are (partially) covered.

  • As of 1 January 2023, the government will abolish the collective discount on the premium of the basic health-care plan. This applies to all insurers.

    Any collective discount you receive on the premium of your basic health-care plan, will be cancelled per 1 January 2023. You can, however, still enjoy other benefits of taking our collective health insurance with ONVZ. A discount on your supplementary plans, for instance, or additional coverage for preventative care. If you are currently not part of a collective plan, nothing will change for you.

  • If you have a basic health-care plan with ONVZ, you can use the self-help app Fysiochecknu for free from 1 January 2023. Start your personal exercise programme to reduce or prevent minor complaints in, for example, your neck, back or shoulders.

  • If you are pregnant, your obstetrician or gynaecologist will inform you about the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). This is a test to determine the likelihood that your unborn child has a genetic defect like Down syndrome. You decide whether you want to have such a test done. You will no longer have to pay excess for this screening if there is a medical indication for you to undergo it. In that case, the costs will be fully reimbursed.

  • The cover for foot care under the basic health-care plan will be expanded. If you have an increased risk of wounds or sores on your feet (foot ulcers) as a result of an illness or medical treatment, the basic health-care plan will cover an annual foot check in 2023. In some cases, foot care at the general practitioner or a podiatrist will also be covered.

  • If you are at greater risk of illness due to being overweight, the basic insurance may cover a Combined Lifestyle Intervention (CLI). This is a 2-year program that consists of advice and support in adopting a healthier diet and eating habits, getting more exercise and achieving behavioural change. We have expanded the number of programs you can choose from for 2023 to help you choose a program that suits you best.

  • Do you need compression stockings? In 2022 you needed a prescription from your doctor. From 1 January 2023, that prescription may also be issued by your skin therapist.

  • From 1 January 2023, children under the age of 16 who wear orthopaedic and allergen-free shoes are no longer entitled to reimbursement of a second pair. For children, these shoes may be replaced every 6 months, which means a second pair is rarely needed. If your child does need a second pair, you may always submit a request for reimbursement.

  • The basic health-care plan covers a bed orthosis. Our terms and conditions previously mentioned only the dynamic bed orthosis. However, a static bed orthosis orthosis is also covered. We have changed our terms and conditions to reflect this. For any bed orthosis, you need our prior permission for reimbursement.

  • If your child needs dietary preparations for cow's milk allergy, you will need permission for reimbursement from us in 2023 in the following cases:

    • your child is 2 years or older
    • your child is between 1 and 2 years old and needs more than 500 ml per day
    • your child is between 0 and 1 years old and needs more than 1,000 ml per day
  • From 1 January 2023, the basic health-care plan will no longer reimburse vitamin D products, even if they are prescribed by your doctor. You can get them without a prescription at a supermarket, drugstore or pharmacy.

    The Benfit and supplementary plans will still cover (medicines containing) vitamin D, if they were issued by a pharmacy or dispensing practice. Usually up to a maximum amount per calendar year.

  • To plastic surgery for gender incongruence, quality requirements apply. In order to properly guarantee quality, we have included these quality requirements as a condition for the reimbursement of this type of care.

    Plastic surgery can be part of transgender care. After the first conversations with your general practitioner, you may encounter many different health-care providers. We believe it is important that the healthcare providers involved are affiliated with recognised gender teams and are part of specialised networks.

  • Since 1 January 2022, invoices from your mental health care provider have been made clearer. They show you exactly on which date and with whom you had a consultation, and how long it took. The mental health care system is also organised slightly differently. For example, there is no longer any distinction between general basic mental health care and specialist mental health care. The care itself and the coverage will not change.

  • If you will be admitted to a contracted mental health-care institution for longer than 1 year, you no longer need our prior permission for reimbursement.

    For admission to a non-contracted mental health-care institution, you alway need our prior permission for reimbursement.

  • The basic health-care plan covers full, removable dentures. We also reimburse the equipment and technical costs of making the prosthesis. From January 1, 2023, we will work with an indicative list of market prices for these material and technical costs.

    If you will get full, removable dentures in 2023, ask your health-care provider for a quote. If the prices are higher than the ones on our indicative list, you have to ask our prior permission for reimbursement. We will only reimburse the costs that exceed the prices on the indicative list if there is a medical reason for those higher costs.

    If there is no medical reason for the higher prices, you can choose to go to a different health-care provider for your dentures to avoid having to pay a larger part of the costs yourself.

    If you are older than 18, the statutory personal contribution for dentures always applies. If you have a supplementary dental (Tandfit) plan, it covers the personal contribution. This does not apply to the costs that exceed the indicative list as mentioned above.

  • In addition to medical transportation by ambulance, the basic health-care plan also reimburses the costs of public transportation, taxi or car. We have always called this 'Other medical transportation'. From 1 January 2023 we will simply call it medical transportation. Nothing changes in the conditions. However, the personal contribution and the reimbursement per kilometre have been increased.

  • Invoices must be submitted for reimbursement within 3 years from when you receive treatment. From 1 January 2023, 3 years will start when you receive the invoice from the healthcare provider.

    However, we advise you to submit your invoices as soon as possible. If you have advanced any costs, we will reimburse them quickly.

  • You cannot transfer the right to reimbursement of health-care costs to someone else without our permission (assignment of benefits), nor can you use it to give someone else certainty that you are going to pay that other person's bill (right of pledge). This was already prohibited, but for 2023 we have clarified this in our General rules.

  • We have changed our response time for handling complaints. In 2023, we will respond to your complaint within 10 working days. If we are unable to solve the issue, you can submit your complaint to the SKGZ. The response times of the SKGZ have also been adjusted. You will find them in our General rule 80.

Changes supplementary insurances

View the changes in our supplementary insurances in 2023.

Read more?

Go back to the changes in our health-care plans for 2023


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