ONVZ Vrije Keuze Zorgplan
Extra luxury during hospital admission
To make your hospital stay a bit more pleasant, we offer ONVZ Vrije Keuze Zorgplan. With Zorgplan you get extra luxury and comfort before, during and after your hospital stay.
Zorgplan ONVZ Vrije Keuze
€ 18,60 p/m
- Broad selection of health-care providers
- Very generous coverage
- Excellent service
What does Zorgplan cover?
Many hospitals offer extra comforts and services to make your hospital stay a bit more pleasant. So why not take out Zorgplan?
Key benefits Zorgplan
View all benefits (pdf)Hospital admission: extra luxury and comfort
Max. per calender year
Hospital admission: assistance and extra services before and after
Transportation there and back (€ 0.27 per km)
Max. 2 overnight stays after discharge
Overnight stay: max. € 100 per night
€ 200 per day, up to €2.500 In a zorghotel recognised by us
Max. per day/calender year
Good to know
If you, for admission abroad, are entitled to the compensation Extra luxury and comfort during your hospital stay, then the maximum amount of €2,500 per calendar year applies to all admissions together, both in the Netherlands and abroad. If you use a private room in Belgium, Germany or another country, this can sometimes have consequences for the costs of your treatment. A medical specialist (a Chefarzt in Germany), for example, often charges more. The additional costs for fees and treatment are not covered and you pay these costs yourself.
To arrange this, contact the admissions office of the hospital where you want to be treated. This also applies if you live in the Netherlands but would like to use this service in Belgium and Germany.
If you contact the ZorgConsulent adviser prior to your hospital admission, the ZorgConsulent adviser will arrange all the services you need during and after your admission.
Supplementary health-care plan Superfit includes the Zorgplan. If you have Superfit, you do not pay a separate premium for Zorgplan.
The general rules and regulations apply to all health care and to everyone. They specify things such as coverage exclusions and changes you have to let us know about.
Please note: in the event of discrepancies between the Dutch text of the general rules and regulations and coverage and their explanation and translations thereof, the Dutch text and explanation shall prevail.