ONVZ Bewuste Keuze Start
Extra care and self-help
The ONVZ Bewuste Keuze basic health-care plan provides coverage for everything that is really necessary. If you want more peace of mind, you can choose the ONVZ Bewuste Keuze Start supplementary health-care plan, which provides coverage for 14 physiotherapy sessions if you experience persistent complaints after an accident. And it also has your teeth well-covered after an accident.
Start ONVZ Bewuste Keuze
€ 3,50 p/m
Extra module- 3x physiotherapy or online treatment programmes
- Dental health care after an accident: € 10,000
- Headspace meditation app
Key benefits Start
Compare all coveragePhysiotherapy and remedial therapy from the age of 18
3 sessions or online treatment courses
Physical and remedial therapy after an accident (from age 18)
14 sessions, only contracted-health care
€ 50 from the age of 21
Dental health care after an accident
€ 10,000
App for meditation and mindfulness
Subscription Headspace
New: Choose Extra Physiotherapy or Alternative Care
Do you have ONVZ Bewuste Keuze Start or Extra? And would you like 3 additional physiotherapy sessions per year and/or € 100 for alternative care, without an extensive supplementary insurance plan? Then take advantage of the Physiotherapy and Alternative modules. This way, you can tailor your health insurance precisely to your needs.
Expandable with two Modules
The supplementary insurance plans Start and Extra can be expanded with the following modules.
+ € 3,65 p/m
3 sessions per year
+ € 3,65 p/m
€25 per day, €100 per year
Collective discount
The premium for our supplementary health-care plans includes the 7% ONVZ Ledencollectief discount. If your employer has a collective ONVZ health-care plan, or if you are self-employed or have your own business, you may be able to benefit from an attractive discount.
Choosing your payment term
If you pay your premium quarterly, half-yearly or annually, you will receive a discount of 0.5%, 1% and 2% respectively.
Good to know
You can take out a health-care plan right away via this link.
It is possible to add your children to your supplementary health-care plan. However, the level of coverage provided is not allowed to exceed that of yourself, your partner or any other insured person aged 18 or above, who is specified on the health-care policy. This cannot be a dental health-care plan either.
ONVZ has two basic health-care plans: ONVZ Vrije Keuze and ONVZ Bewuste Keuze. If you would like the Start supplementary health-care plan, it is only available in combination with the ONVZ Bewuste Keuze Basic health-care plan.
The general rules and regulations apply to all health care and to everyone. They specify things such as coverage exclusions and changes you have to let us know about.
Please note: in the event of discrepancies between the Dutch text of the general rules and regulations and coverage and their explanation and translations thereof, the Dutch text and explanation shall prevail.