Dutch healthcare system

You will be living but not working in the Netherlands

And you would like to apply for a basic health-care plan

Will you be living, but not working in the Netherlands? Depending on your situation you need to apply for Dutch health insurance. We will explain your options below.  

Do you have an EU nationality?

  • If you are coming to live in the Netherlands and have an EU nationality, you have to apply for Dutch health insurance within 4 months of your arrival. You can choose between ONVZ Free Choice and ONVZ Smart Choice.


    Then your basic health-care plan will take effect retroactively from the date you are eligible. If you apply after the 4 months have passed, your basic health-care plan will take effect once we have received all of the necessary documents.


    Would you like to apply for the ONVZ basic health-care plan? Please send us the following information and documents:

    • Application for the basic health-care plan. You can choose between the ONVZ Free Choice basic health-care plan and the ONVZ Smart Choice basic health-care plan.
    • We may contact you if we need more information.

    In addition, we check whether you are registered with a Dutch local council.

    Apply for a basic health-care plan

Do you not have an EU nationality?

  • If you do not have an EU nationality but were issued a residence permit, you can only apply for a basic health-care plan. You can choose between ONVZ Free Choice and ONVZ Smart Choice.

    Would you like to apply for the ONVZ basic health-care plan? Please send us the following information and documents:

    • Application for the basic health-care plan.  You can choose between the ONVZ Free Choice basic health-care plan and the ONVZ Smart Choice basic health-care plan.  
    • We may contact you if we need more information

    In addition, we check whether you are registered with a Dutch local council and why you were issued a residence permit.  

    Apply for a basic health-care plan
  • If you do not have a residence permit (yet), you cannot apply for a basic health-care plan. However, you can apply for Health Basic or Health Premium. Health Basic is a health-care plan that covers most of your necessary medical costs. Health Premium offers more extensive coverage for things like movement-related care (e.g. physiotherapy), dental care and general basic mental health care (GGZ).

    Health Basic and Health Premium are subject to a screening procedure to determine whether you are eligible for the plan. This means that you will be asked to answer some questions about your medical history when you take out the plan.





    Apply for Health Basic or Health Premium

You are retired or you are receiving benefits?

  • Are you receiving a pension or benefits from the Netherlands or abroad? Apply for a basic health-care plan. You can choose between ONVZ Free Choice and ONVZ Smart Choice.

    Are you only receiving a pension or benefits from the Netherlands? Apply for a basic health-care plan. You can choose between ONVZ Free Choice and ONVZ Smart Choice.

    Are you only receiving a pension or benefits from an EU /EEA or treaty country? You can apply for a 'Verdragspolis' (treaty policy/E106/S1) with CZ. CZ is the organisation in the Netherlands that registers the 'Verdragspolis'. This policy also covers health-care costs in the Netherlands. For more information, please contact CZ.

If the situations mentioned above do not apply to you, please contact our Service Centre.

Good to know

  • If you will be living and working in the Netherlands, different rules apply. Read more on our page Working in the Netherlands.


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