
We give you quick access to high-quality health care

ONVZ Snelzorg (offered as part of ONVZ Vrije Keuze) and our waiting list mediation shorten waiting times, so you get seen faster and can access high-quality health care sooner.

Waiting list mediation

If you’re on a list for treatment and won’t be seen anytime soon, we have the solution for you: waiting list mediation. Our ZorgConsulent advisers can quickly check whether you can access health care sooner with another health-care provider. Thanks to our mediation, insured persons get the care they need 10 weeks earlier on average. 

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ONVZ Snelzorg

Snelzorg is an initiative where we make arrangements with health-care providers in the Netherlands, so they can treat you sooner. Insured persons get the care they need 50 days faster on average. Our ZorgConsulent advisers stay in touch with all health-care providers contracted by ONVZ in the Netherlands. We know which of these providers can help you sooner and which hospital is the best choice for each treatment. Snelzorg is included in the ONVZ Vrije Keuze basic health-care plan.

Our Snelzorg partners

We have contracts with the following clinics:

  • Bergman Clinics
  • DC Klinieken (dermatology)
  • Xpert Clinics (orthopaedics, hand and wrist, proctology and hand therapy)
  • Velthuis
  • Eyescan

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Monday to Friday - 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

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Direct personal contact

Monday to Friday - 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m

030 639 62 22