Broad selection of health-care providers and generous reimbursements
You like to make your own decisions, especially when it comes to health care. That’s why ONVZ offers you a broad selection of health-care providers and generous reimbursements, giving you the freedom to make choices that fit your requirements and preferences. You can choose your own health-care provider from our range of partners, contracted by us for you. And we offer very generous coverage in the supplementary plans for treatments like physiotherapy, alternative/non-conventional health care and maternity care.
Broad choice in health-care
ONVZ offers you a broad choice in health care. That means you get 100% reimbursement for all general practitioners and hospitals, and all other health-care providers who have a contract with us. Some types of health care are subject to maximum reimbursements if you go to a health-care provider that does not have a contract with ONVZ. But we make agreements about quality and price with as many health-care providers as possible. This approach not only keeps health care affordable, it also ensures that we can continue to guarantee the best possible quality of care and access to health care. Today and in the future, so you have complete peace of mind.
Reimbursement of 100% of the costs
You receive reimbursement of 100% of the costs. In the case of a health-care provider or clinic without a contract, maximum reimbursements apply and you often have to pay some of the costs yourself.
The quality of health care
When we enter into a contract, in addition to agreeing prices, we also agree on the quality of health care.
You don’t have to pay any costs up front
You don’t have to pay any costs up front if you go to a health-care provider that has a contract with us. In the case of a health-care provider without a contract, you pay the bill first and then claim the amount back from us.
Your choice determines your reimbursement
Your choice of a health-care provider with or without a contract determines how much you will be reimbursed. The basic health-care plan you choose - ONVZ Vrije Keuze or ONVZ Bewuste Keuze - also affects how much you will be reimbursed if you go to a health-care provider without a contract. This reimbursement is based on a percentage of a predetermined rate, usually the average contracted rate. For ONVZ Vrije Keuze, this percentage is capped at 85%. For ONVZ Bewuste Keuze, this percentage is between 60% and 80%, so you are always guaranteed a generous reimbursement, confirming that ONVZ is the right choice for you. Take a look at the maximum reimbursements:
How do I know if my health-care provider has a contract?
If you want to check whether your health-care provider has a contract with us for your treatment, or if you are looking for a healthcare provider with a contract in your area, simply use our Zorgzoeker online search tool.
Very generous coverage
The coverage under the ONVZ Vrije Keuze supplementary plans for things like physiotherapy, alternative/non-conventional health care and maternity care is among the most generous in the Netherlands. ONVZ offers a choice of four different supplementary health-care plans so that you can choose which suits you best. Under ONVZ Bewuste Keuze, you can choose between two compact supplementary health-care plans for frequently used health care including physiotherapy and dental health care following an accident. A new addition this year is an optional module with additional coverage for physiotherapy or alternative/non-conventional health care. You can make considered choices here, in line with what you need. That is also what ONVZ stands for!